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Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School

Our Lady of Fatima School is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 English School offering educational opportunities within a caring and safe Catholic environment.  The task of educating our children is one that cannot be accomplished by the school alone. We need the support of you, the parents and guardians, the Community and the Church, to provide our children with all the opportunities they need to succeed...


140 Hillside Drive North
Elliot Lake, ON P5A 1X7
Phone: 705-848-2204
Fax: 705-848-6841

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L’école Catholique Georges Vanier 

L’école Georges Vanier, école catholique francophone, se situe au cœur de la ville d’Elliot Lake. Elle accueille environ 90 élèves de la maternelle à la 8e année. Ici règne un esprit de famille avec une distinction d’enthousiasmes et de bonne volonté. Notre  personnel œuvre à inciter la persévérance chez nos élèves afin de  favoriser leur succès...


140, promenade Hillside n.
Elliot Lake, ON P5A 1X7
Téléphone: 705-848-2272
Télécopieur: 705-848-4562


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Our Lady of Lourdes French Immersion Catholic School

Our Lady of Lourdes French Immersion Catholic School is an inclusive learning environment committed to providing an education that promotes faith development and academic excellence in both English and French.

The Gospel values form the foundation of our school. As we strive to grow together in faith, we look for different opportunities to exemplify our Catholicity in the school and community. The Catholic Christian Living program is not limited to a subject, but is embedded in all that we do. Students participate in liturgies, masses and social justice initiatives throughout the school year. In doing so, they develop a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Christ’s teachings of love and service to others...


139 Mississauga Avenue
Elliot Lake, ON P5A 1E3
Phone: 705-848-3421
Fax: 705-848-0429

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